They laughed at him. They banished him. He had enough of it. He was going to end this. For once and for all!
He found himself a nice spot in the middle of gang territory. If he got killed during a robbery, then at least he wouldn't die alone.
"Where are those stupid robbers when you need them?! Don't they want easy money? I look like the perfect victim, right? So why don't they come and get me?"
The guy waited for hours, but still no agressors. "I'm not even good enough to be robbed," the seventeen year old thought.
It started to rain. His hoodie got soaked. He wasn't going to give up, though. He was ready to meet his destiny, no matter how long it would take. "I'm no longer going to be the laughingstock! I'm ready to die! AAAA-CHOOOOO!"
The poor boy got sick. His temperature rose. Consciousness made room for ever increasing unconsciousness. He balanced on the thin line between life and dead. It was now only a matter of time....
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