You can find the Beating Heart story under "Welcome" --> "Labels" --> "Beating Heart".
Beating Heart originally is based on a little greenfinch who came to my garden. He was sitting there on the bird table, more dead than alive.
Mom told me to leave the little bird alone to die, but when it started to rain, I just couldn't stand back anymore. I ran outside and made him a little shelter. The rain turned into a storm. I protected him with my coat and brought him inside.
He died a few minutes later. It ripped my heart out seeing that little creature taking his last breath, knowing I couldn't do a thing to save him, but I'm glad he didn't die alone. Nobody deserves to die alone.
Little bro and I burried him in the flower bed. The violet we planted to mark his grave, still blooms beautifully.
The memory of the bird lives through the flower and through this story. Here's the alternative beginning of Beating Heart. Here's the original first page. Here's the story of the little greenfinch.
Beating Heart: Alternative Beginning
They laughed at him. They banished him. He had enough of it. He was going to end this. For once and for all!
He landed on the table in the middle of cat's territory. If he got eaten by that preditor, then at least he wouldn't die alone.
"Where are those stupid pussy cats when you need them?! Don't they want a nice meal? I look tasty, don't I? So why don't they come and get me?"
The little creature waited for hours, but still no cats. "I'm not even good enough to be cat food," the greenfinch thought.
It started to rain. His feathers were soaked. He wasn't going to give up, though. He was ready to meet his destiny, no matter how long it would take. "I'm not going to be the laughingstock anymore! I'm ready to die! AAAA-CHOOOOO!"
The poor bird got sick. His temperature rose. Consciousness made room for ever increasing unconsciousness. He balanced on the thin line between life and dead. It was now only a matter of time....
(Image found at
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