The china vase was shattered into a thousand pieces. "Think fast, think fast..." The boy looked around the room. He couldn't blame the falling of the vase on a single thing.
"Maybe a sudden gust of wind?" Storm opened the window. "No wind..." About to surrender, the boy saw a ginger cat walking down the street. He picked it up, dropped it next to the vase and jumped back onto the sofa. "Right on time," the boy sighed reliefed.
A few seconds later, Roxanne opened the door. "What happened?"
"I opened the window to get some air. He must have entered the room when I didn't watch. Before I knew, he knocked over the vase." Storm pointed at the cat.
"Oh no! Are you alright, D'Artagnan?" The girl petted the scapegoat.
"I'm so sorry," the boy signed.
"Don't worry about it. You couldn't have predicted this. Hold our little cat burglar while I'm fetching the dustpan."
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