"My face is an open book, but my mouth will never tell..." Yours truly :p The truth is: I suck at expressing my feelings verbally. It even doesn't matter if it's a face to face conversation or a chat session. I'll never tell you how I really feel. You can easily see it on my face, but I'll never say it out loud. That's why I draw. I'll never show you the drawings that matter, tough. You know, the ones filled with emotions. I always have some "neutral" sketches up my sleeve, just in case someone wants to see my work. But the last few months I can't even look at my pencil.... That's why grandma told me to start writing. In order to save some trees - I already filled 6 notebooks in 6 months Σ(^w^") -, I decided to start blogging. Under every tab you'll find a whole other story. Tell me what you think of it. ^w^ But I got to go now. Bye